Wednesday 1 April 2015

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia - Mohsin Hamid

Our next read is going to be a book by the acclaimed writer of The Reluctant Fundamentalist- Mohsin Hamid. This book is called How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia ( does it have 7 simple steps, I wonder?! ;-) ).

Anyhow, the story is about a young boy's journey from poverty to corporate tycoon and naturally there is a love story which, I think maybe the backbone - the bit which will keep us turning the pages.

Here's what the review on Goodreads says "Romantic without being sentimental, political without being didactic, and spiritual without being religious, it brings an unflinching gaze to the violence and hope it depicts."

We've decided to read this as Mohsin heads to our part of the world for the Sydney Writers Festival.
Our book club is attending the opening address which features Mohsin's speech and we are excited to hear him - yeah baby- bring him on !
( We have also read The Reluctant Fundamentalist and we needed two sessions to discuss the book ! )

So - off to this exciting read and our review will be posted in a few weeks.